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Rahasia Tarik Tunai di ATM, Saldo Rp1 Juta Bisa Tarik Rp4 Juta

Rahasia Tarik Tunai di ATM Melebihi Saldo. Misalnya, Saldo Rp1 Juta Bisa Tarik Rp4 Juta. Semoga bermanfaat bagi yang kepepet sekali (han...

Cara Menulis Artikel Ramah Seluler (Mobile-Friendly Writing)

Romeltea 1 Follow @username

Media Online --website, blog, media sosial, email-- tersaji melalui layar komputer dan handphone (telepon seluler/pnsel), bukan di atas kertas sebagaimana media cetak (koran, majalah, tabloid).

Karenanya, cara menulis di media online berbeda dengan gaya menulis di media cetak.

Prinsip utama menulis di media online adalah scannable (mudah dipindai). Hal ini karena pembaca media online hakikatnya bukan membaca (not read) melainkan memindai (to scan) teks,sebagaimana hasil studi NN Group.

Saat menulis di website, blog, email, media sosial, bahkan di aplikasi WhatsApp (WA), kita harus  "Put yourself in the eyes of the reader!"

Nilai sendiri tulisan yang sudah dibuat: enak dilihat tidak? mudah dipindai tidak?

Jika tidak, misalnya alinea panjang, kalimat panjang, bertumpuk mirip tulisan di koran atau majalah, maka ubahlah menjadi ramah seluler.

Cara Menulis Artikel Ramah Seluler

Bagaimana Cara Menulis Artikel Ramah Seluler?

Gampang. Kita sontek saja cara penyajian teks berita di situs berita BBC, termasuk BBC Indonesia.

IMHO, BBC merupakan salah satu laman web yang sangat memperhatikan prinsip scannable dalam menyajikan berita atau artikel.

Perhatikan tampilan (display) atau "layout text" salah satu artikel berikut ini (contoh scannable text). BCC menggunakan alinea pendek dan jarak antar-alinea.

scannable text bbc indonesia

Dari sample tulisan ramah seluler di atas, saya sudah memberikan kesimpulan prinsip menulis di media online sebagai berikut:
  1. Gunakan Alinea Pendek.
  2. Beri Jarak Antar-Alinea.
  3. Gunakan Rata Kiri (Align-Left)
Mudah 'kan? Itulah ciri tulisan mudah dipindai dan ramah seluler.

Selengkapnya silakan simak tips How to Create Mobile-Friendly Content dari Neil Patel.

Akademisi Kiritisi Fenomena ‘Clickbait’ dalam Jurnalisme Media Online

Romeltea 0 Follow @username
Akademisi Kiritisi Fenomena ‘Clickbait’ dalam Jurnalisme Media Online
Akademisi dari Universitas Indonesia (UI) Dr. Irwansyah, S.Sos MA, menilai kemajuan teknologi telah menimbulkan generasi jurnalisme malas, dan munculnya fenomena ‘clickbait’ dalam jurnalisme media online.

Wartawan media online mengandalkan media sosial sebagai sumber informasi tanpa melakukan cek dan recek lebih lanjut, sehingga berita yang dihasilkan pun tak jarang menjadi berita hoax alias berita bohong.

Munculnya fenomena ‘clickbait’ menurut Irwansyah, juga sejalan dengan munculnya berita hoax. Wartawan media online membuat berita dengan judul-judul fantastis, yang tujuannya agar pembaca mengklik berita tersebut, sehingga rating media online tersebut menjadi naik.

“Tak jarang berita yang disajikan kurang memenuhi etika, informasinya kurang lengkap karena hanya mewawancarai satu narasumber, dan terkadang hanya mengutip informasi dari media sosial saja,” tutur Irwansyah pada Seminar Informasi Aktual “Media Massa Vs Media Sosial yang digelar Biro Humas dan Keprotokolan Setdaprov Sumut di Hotel Four Point by Sheraton, Jumat (27/10/2017).

Disebutkan Irwansyah, Jurnalisme ‘Clickbait’ selalu menampilkan headline berita dengan judul-judul yang fantastis yang terkesan memaksa orang untuk membuka link dari berita tersebut.

Dia mengimbau agar pemilik media lebih mengedepankan etika tidak hanya mengejar profit dan rating media semata. (Tobasatu).*

Effective Social Media Communications

Romeltea 0 Follow @username

Effective Social Media Communications
Social media strategies

As companies focus on effectively leveraging social media platforms, there are a few critical things to keep in mind. Here are the four strategies that have achieved superior results:

1. Develop a comprehensive social media strategy. While Facebook And Twitter are the most used social media platforms, a comprehensive social media strategy should incorporate additional social media platforms where customers, prospects, employees and candidates could be talking about the company. Some examples include:
  • Business networking and hiring platforms such as Linkedin
  • Industry-specific platforms, e.g. travel forums, automotive message boards
  • Specialty multimedia sharing sites such as YouTube and Pinterest
  • Country-specific platforms such as Renren.com
To be able to know which social media platforms to incorporate as part of its social media strategy, a company needs to systematically track top platforms where the company and its brands are being discussed.
2. Establish a two-way communication model. Companies who use social media just to disseminate information to customers may not see high returns from social media usage. Instead, companies who use social media platforms as a two-way communication medium tend to have a more successful social media approach. There are several tactics that can be used to establish two-way communication, including:
  • Posting questions and surveys related to the company as well as general topics of interests
  • Getting customers, prospects, employees, and candidates to share their queries and experiences related to the company and its products, as well as themes related to the company’s business (e.g., best travel stories). This can even extend to the sharing of photos and videos
  • Set up dedicated customer service pages, tabs, or handles, as well as dedicated candidate query pages, with a promise of high responsiveness
Doing this requires constant focus on generating new ideas and content for social media, as well as the ability to post content and responses in a highly efficient and streamlined manner.
3. Retain control of content being posted on behalf of the company. Some companies tend to outsource their social media asset management to their advertising partners. In such situations, however, companies should make sure they retain control of and full editorial rights to what is being posted on their behalf. Companies can do this by putting in placed automated approval workflows and escalation processes between their partners and internal teams.
4. Set targets and measure performance. It is critical for companies embarking on social media initiatives to set targets, measure performance against those targets, and compare their performance against competitors. What is measured gets improved. Some of the key performance indicators to track include:
  • Share of social media conversations for the company/brand vis-à-vis competitors
  • Positive and negative sentiment for the company/brand vis-à-vis competitors
  • Monthly addition in number of social media followers
  • Average time taken to respond to comments by social media users by type of comment (e.g. positive feedback, customer service issue)
  • Percent of résumés being sourced via social media, and percent of positions being closed through social media 

Concentrate on Increasing Daily Updates

Ensuring that your posts and updates have a good chance to be seen by your target audience is an integral part of a content strategy.
Leo Widrich offers 3 key tactics:
  • Frequency: Post around 5-10 times a day on Twitter and 1-4 times a day on Facebook for optimal outcome.
  • Timing: Almost all research studies highlight the main work hours from 8 am to 8 pm as good times to tweet and post to Facebook.
  • Multiple sites: Post to multiple social sites, in addition to your own blog or website.
 Social media has made it possible for you to share information about your business in a multitude of ways. Photos can show your serious, productive, silly, creative, successful and charitable sides—but above all, be sure to expose your human side.

Present Your Human Side With Photos

Photos and other types of visual content are highly shareable on social networks. Pam Moore suggests that when you post photos of your team, it helps to show your business as a human brand and build relationships with your community.

> Create custom links for better tracking and measuring. By embedding a unique link in your posts and tweets, you can more easily see what type of content your audience is likely to click on, signifying better engagement.
> Keep it simple and visual. Make sure you have a strong image to go with your posts, and report on which images get the most shares. Research shows that tweets using images get retweeted a lot more often than others.

Always use images on Twitter –  Use images to your advantage, as they get better engagement than tweets that only has text.
1. Share Images on Twitter: Increase Retweets by 150%

Share Content More Than Once
We often share our blog posts multiple times on social networks, for a few difference reasons. Some of the biggest benefits we get are more traffic, reaching people in different time zones and sharing our content with people who’ve followed us since we last posted it.

Set Up Google Authorship

Google Authorship is not just the photo and byline that appears on search results pages, thought that’s a large part of it.

1. Post regularly – The more your audience hears from you, the more trust you’ll be able to build.
2. Deliver relevant content –  ensure that what your audience hears (and sees) is interesting and fits seamlessly with your brand identity.
3. Post unique content – Try not to curate too much of your social media content, as most likely your target audience has seen it before. If you want to stand out on social media, your content needs to be unique to your brand.
4. Share and retweet – a great way to widen your audience and show that you know what’s relevant.
5. Don’t discount the “smaller” social networks – Test out everything, which includes Pinterest, Tumblr, Google+, etc. You might be surprised at the results!

Be a helper – Respond on Twitter or Facebook when you have legitimate answers to questions, and never follow up with calls to action or sales language. Be genuine about wanting to help. 

11. Limit tweets to 100 characters – this provides extra characters for people to share your tweets with comments or @tags.
12. Stop fishing for likes and shares – Try engaging your audience in ways that encourage conversations and interactions. If people find what you post interesting, they will share.
13. Mix it up with content formats – Make sure that your social media posts (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc.) are well-branded, and don’t be afraid to use different formats.
14. Host live hangouts – This makes the social media experience more real. Both Google Hangouts and live Twitter events are great tools to use.
15. Make strategic use of #hashtags in all relevant social media platforms –  whatever you do, please don’t make up hashtags as you write your posts. Thoroughly research trending hashtags. There will be times when you can blaze your own trail, but if you want to broaden your reach, you need to follow existing trends.
16. Get good at one thing at a time –  try not to establish several different social media channels and attempt to keep up with them all. It’s a good way to burn out fast. Master one social media platform, and then move on to the next.
17. Automate whatever you can – Always maintain a fresh flow of content. Don’t be afraid to use automation tools to schedule your posts and keep your content organized.
18. Know what your competitors are posting – Look for patterns in your competitors’ content, and test out similar material of your own.
19. Spend money on video – Every niche can benefit from videos as they get better engagement on social media.
20. Hold contests and giveaways – Few things churn up the kind of buzz that’s created by giving away free stuff, so consider some friendly competition among your followers.
21. Use your email list to promote your social media content –  it’s a great way to drive targeted traffic!
22. Invest in custom graphics – Stock photos work, however, images unique to your brand almost always gets more engagement.
23. Encourage employee engagement on your channels – The people who work for you are among your best endorsers. Enlist their help in sharing your content on their personal channels.

Encourage conversation by asking people questions.
Keep it brief. Save the long copy for your blog page.
Post photos and videos to your timeline. Research suggests these are the most shared types of content.
Timing is everything. Test different times of day to find out when your fans are most active.

Promote your blog content using relevant, eye-catching images.

Everyone loves an inspirational quote. They are perhaps overused, but they still get lots of love on Pinterest. Just try to make them at least slightly relevant to your industry.

Read more at http://www.business2community.com/social-media/top-25-social-media-marketing-tips-experts-01356578

Rahasia Tarik Tunai di ATM, Saldo Rp1 Juta Bisa Tarik Rp4 Juta

Romeltea 0 Follow @username
Rahasia Tarik Tunai di ATM
Rahasia Tarik Tunai di ATM Melebihi Saldo. Misalnya, Saldo Rp1 Juta Bisa Tarik Rp4 Juta.

Semoga bermanfaat bagi yang kepepet sekali (hanya bila terpaksa sekali krn ini dosa).

Cara menarik uang melebihi saldo di ATM ini ditemukan tidak sengaja 2 hari lalu oleh seorang teman (nasabah). Ikuti panduan ini dengan cermat dan teliti.

Caranya sebagai berikut:
1. Masukkan kartu ATM anda ke mesin ATM.
2. masukkan kode pin anda.
3. lalu tekan tarik tunai.
4. pilih nominal Rp1juta

Kemudian mesin ATM akan mulai bunyi menghitung. Pada saat mesin ATM menghitung segera tekan ENTER sebanyak uang yang anda inginkan keluar (maksimal 4x).

Sebagai contoh :
Saat anda pertama kali pilih nominal 1 juta maka:
Jika di enter 2x pada saat mesin sedang menghitung maka akan keluar 2jt.
Jika di enter 3x maka akan keluar 3jt.
Jika di enter 4x maka akan keluar 4jt.

Trik ini berhasil dan dialami teman saya dalam mimpinya, dua hari lalu. :)

Jangan serius banget deh bloggingnya. Ini sumbernya dari Facebook yang saya temukan di laman Warung Kopi Okezone.*